Serger Boot Camp Summer 2024

Betty will share with you her 30 plus years of experience and knowledge to get you comfortable with your serger. All brands welcome. Many techniques including threading, serger maintenance, piecing a quilt (faster than on your domestic) rolled hems, applying ribbing and much, much more.
Skill Level:
Skill Details:
All levels, all machine brands.
Materials Included:
Some knits will be supplied by the instructor.
Serger, cords, owner's manual, attachments and tools. Extra serger needles size 80, paper, pencil, scissors, and pins. A rotary cutter and a 6" by 24" ruler. Four different colors of thread to be used during the threading process and four matching of complementary threads for your first project. Practice fabric and 7 to 10 different fabrics each 6" by width of fabric.
Instructor Name:
Betty Kuhler
Serger Boot Camp Summer 2024
$ 325.00
Includes all instruction and some knit materials supplied by the teacher. Six classes of 5 hours each. 15% off all supplies purchased at Stash
Includes all instruction and some knit materials supplied by the teacher. Six classes of 5 hours each. 15% off all supplies purchased at Stash