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- 'Twas The Night Before Catmas by Jessica Zhao
- 100% Cotton Sateen Chintz 108" Backing
- 100% Wool Felt
- 1895 Bali Hand-dyed Watercolor Batiks
- 3 Sisters
- 3 Sisters Miscellaneous
- 90" and 108" Wide Backings
- Abandoned Digital Collection
- Abby Rose
- Acacia OOP
- Acadia by Betsy Saber
- Adorn
- Alderwood Studio
- Alexia Abegg
- Alison Glass
- Alison Glass Patterns
- All Stars OOP
- American Jane
- American Jane/ Sandy Klop Miscellaneous
- American Made Brand Solids
- American Made Brand Solids by Clothworks
- Animal Crackers
- Anna Maria Horner
- Anna Maria Horner Bundles & Kits
- Anna Maria Horner Miscellaneous OOP
- Anna Maria's Conservatory
- April Rosenthal Miscellaneous
- April Rosenthal of Prairie Grass Patterns
- Architextures
- Art Theory
- Astrologika
- Atkinson Designs
- Autumn Woods
- Bag Books
- Bag Making Supply & Hardware
- Bag Patterns
- Bali Batiks
- Basic Grey
- Basic Grey Miscellaneous
- Basics Solids
- Batiks
- Beauty Shop by Sarah Watts and Melody Miller
- Behind the Scenes
- Bella Solids
- Benartex Batiks
- Bernette
- BERNINA / Bernette Overlocker Serger
- BERNINA 3 Series
- BERNINA 4 Series
- BERNINA 5 Series
- BERNINA 7 Series
- BERNINA 8 Series/9 Series
- Bernina Accessories & Software
- Bernina Accessories (Stash Rewards Exempt)
- BERNINA Cabinets
- BERNINA Q Series Longarm
- Best Friends Forever
- Besties
- Between
- Biscuits and Gravy
- Black and White
- Bleu De France
- Bloc Loc
- Block of the Month
- Bloomology by Monica Forsberg for Conservatory
- Bloomsville
- Blue Escape
- Blushing Peonies
- Bon Voyage
- Bonnie & Camille Out of Print
- Botanics
- Bound Co.
- Bramble
- Branded
- Brave
- Brawny Bears and Burly Beavers
- Bread N Butter
- Bright Eyes
- Busy Hands Quilts
- Buttons
- by annie
- Camont
- Camping Life by Deane Beasley
- Canvas Fabrics
- Canyon
- Carolina Lilies
- Carolyn Friedlander
- Carolyn Friedlander
- Cathy Nordstrom
- Celestial
- Century Prints Dear Diary
- Century Prints Hopscotch
- Century Whites by Andover Fabrics
- Charm Packs
- Chic Escape Special 2022 Edition
- Children's and Novelty Fabrics
- Chill
- Chipper OOP
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Fabrics
- Christmas Faire
- Christmastime
- Chrysanthemum
- Cinnaberry
- Clearance
- Clothworks
- Clothworks Miscellaneous
- Cluck Cluck Sew
- Compositions
- Cosmic Sea
- Costume Makers Ball by J. Wecker Frisch
- Cotton + Steel /Rifle Paper Company by RJR
- Cotton + Steel Basics
- Cotton + Steel Black and White
- Cotton Beach
- Couture Parisienne
- Cozy Wonderland
- Crabapple Hill
- Creative Grids Rulers
- Cuddle Dimple/Minky/Bella Snuggle/Fleece
- Curated in Color
- Curio
- Curiosity by Sandra Clemons
- Curiouser & Curiouser
- Dahlia
- Dandi-Annie
- Dapper
- Date Night
- Day in Paris
- Day On A Farm Indico Designs
- Daydreamer
- Deb Strain Miscellaneous
- Deer Christmas
- Delilah
- Dit Dot Evolution by Jason Yenter
- Diving Board
- Dog Park
- Downton Abbey
- Dwell in Possibility
- Early Bird
- Easter
- eddie Walker Quilts
- Eden OOP
- Elementary
- Eliie
- Elizabeth Hartman
- Ellipse
- Embroidery Designs
- Emma Jean Jansen
- Enchanted
- Enchanted Forest
- Enchantment
- Encyclopedia Galactica
- Encyclopedia Terrestria
- English Paper Piecing Patterns
- Eric Carle
- Essex Linen/Cotton, Yarn Dye, Homespun
- Everglow
- Evermore
- Everyday Stitches
- Ex Libris
- Eye Candy Quilts
- Fairy Frost
- Fancy That Design House by Stephanie Sliwinski
- Far Far Away 2
- Farm Fresh & Farm Charm
- Farmhouse Flannels
- Fat Eighth Bundles
- Fat Quarter Bundles
- Filigree
- Fine Print
- Flannel
- Flea Market Mix
- Flirtation
- Floral Retrospective & Loominous
- Flourish
- Flower Pot
- Folk Lore
- Forest Floor
- Forest Friends by Ashleigh Fish
- Forest Frost Glitter
- Foundation Paper Piecing Patterns
- Fox Field OOP
- Fragile
- Free Bird Quilting Designs
- Free Spirit Designer Essential Solids
- Free Spirit Designer Houndstooth
- Free Spirit Miscellaneous
- French General Miscellaneous
- Frightful
- Garden
- Garden & Globe
- Garden Party
- GardenLife
- Garment Books
- Get Out and Explore by Mint Tulips
- Ghouls and Goodies
- Gifts & Novelty Items
- Gigi's Thimble
- Gingiber
- Girls Club by Piet en Kees
- Giucy Giuce
- Glitz, Celebration Glitz
- Go Fish
- Good Gracious
- Good News Great Joy
- Good Spirits
- Goose Tales by J. Wecker Fisch
- Grace
- Graze
- Green Thumb
- Grunge Basics
- Guess How Much I Love You 2022
- Guess How Much I Love You 2024
- Hallo Harvest
- Halloween
- Halloween Fabrics
- Halloween Parade by Anita Jeram
- Handcrafted, Handcrafted II
- Handiwork
- Happiness Blooms
- Happy Hauntings
- Harmony
- Harmony by Carolyn Gavin for Conservatory Craft
- Hawkdale by Morris & Company
- Heather and Sage
- Heather Givans
- Heather Ross
- Hey Boo
- Hindsight
- Hoffman Christmas
- Hoffman Fabrics
- Hoffman Fabrics
- Hoffman Spectrum/Digital Prints
- Holdays Past
- Holiday Classics
- Holiday Classics II
- Holiday Classics III
- Holiday Halloween
- Holiday Homies FLANNEL
- Holiday Homies OOP
- Holiday Love
- Holly Berry Tree Farm
- Holly Jolly
- Holly Jolly
- Home Sweet Holidays
- HomeMade OOP
- Homestead Black & Natural by Jeanne McGee
- Honey Buns
- Hootenanny
- Hop, Skip and a Jump
- House of Hoppington
- Howl Hound
- Hunter Design Studio
- Hustle & Bustle
- In the Beginning Fabrics
- In the Vegetable Garden
- Interfacing and Stabilizers
- Ironing, Pressing Aids
- Janet Clare Miscellaneous
- Jaybird Quilts
- Jeepers Creepers
- Jelly Rolls
- Jen Kingwell Designs
- Jen Kingwell Miscellaneous
- Jinny Beyer
- Jinny Beyer for RJR Fabrics
- Joel Dewberry Miscellaneous
- Jolly Darlings
- Jolly Darlings Collaborative Collection
- Jolly Good
- Jubilee
- Juicy
- Just Red
- Kaffe Fassett Classics-Spots
- Kaffe Fassett Collective
- Kaffe Fassett, Brandon Mably, Phillip Jacobs
- Kaffe Woven Shot Cotton
- Kantha Cloth by Valori Wells
- Kate & Birdie Miscellaneous
- Kathy Schmitz Miscellaneous
- Kim Schaefer
- Kimberly Kight
- Kiss the Cook
- Kitchen Table Quilting
- Kits
- Kits on Sale
- Kona Solids
- Kringle Claus
- Krista Moser
- Laboratory
- Lagoon
- Land That I Love
- Landscape Architecture
- Laughing Lizzie's Patterns
- Laundry Basket Quilts by Edyta Sitar
- Laundry Basket Quilts Edyta Sitar
- Laura Gunn
- Laura Heine Fiberworks Inc.
- LauraStar Ironing Systems
- Layer Cakes
- Lazy Girl Designs
- Lella Boutique
- Lella Boutique Miscellaneous
- Libs Elliot
- Libs Elliott
- Life is Better on the Farm
- Lil' Monsters by Cotton + Steel
- Lilabelle Lane
- Linear
- Linen Mochi Dot
- Linen/ Linen Cotton Blends
- Linework
- Little Black Dress II
- Little Snippets
- Lo & Behold Stitchery
- Lola Dutch
- Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet
- Love Always, AM
- Love Santa
- Low Volume
- Made My Day
- Magazines
- Magic Dot
- Magic of Yosemite Julia Dreams
- Main Street
- Maison
- Mama Said Sew Volume I, Volume II
- Marking Pens & Tools
- Martha Negley
- Martha Negley Veggie Collection
- Marti Michell
- Maude Ashury
- Maven
- Maywood Shadow Play
- Maywood Shadow Play Flannel
- Maywood Studios
- Mazy by Dylan Merzwinski
- McKenna Ryan
- Meadowmere
- Meags & Me
- Meander
- Melody Miller
- Memoranda
- Memoranda II
- Meomoranda III
- Merry Little Christmas
- Merrymaking
- Metallic Fabrics
- Metropolis
- Michael Miller Fabrics
- Michael Miller Miscellaneous
- Midnight Haunt
- Midnight Magic
- Mini Charms/Candies
- Mini Tropicals
- Miscellaneous Basics
- Miscellaneous Books
- Miscellaneous Cotton + Steel
- Miscellaneous Hoffman
- Miscellaneous Laundry Basket Quilts
- Miscellaneous Maywood Studio
- Miscellaneous Pre-Cut Fabrics
- Miscellaneous Rifle Paper Company
- Miscellaneous RJR Studio
- Miscellaneous Rulers
- Miscellaneous Sewing/Quilting Notions
- Miscellaneous Vendors
- Moda Batiks
- Moda Bella Solids
- Moda Fabrics
- Moda Fabrics
- Moda Grunge Basics
- Moda Miscellaneous
- Modern Background Even More Paper
- Modern Background More Paper
- Modern Backgrounds Luster
- Modern Handcraft
- Modernly Morgan
- Modkid Boutique
- Molly Hatch
- Mon Jardin
- Monkey Wrench OOP
- Monochrome
- Moon Garden
- Moon Shine OOP
- Morris & Company
- Morris Earthly Paradise
- Muslin Mates Basics
- My Country
- Mystical by Elena Essex
- Myth & Dream by Mercedes Cortes
- Naughty or Nice
- Needles, Pins & Pincushions
- Nightshade (Deja Vu)
- Nocturnal
- Noodlehead Anna Graham
- Nova
- Olfa Rulers
- Olive You
- Ombre Bloom
- On Dasher
- One Fine Day
- Orchard
- Our Fair Home
- Outdoorsy
- Painted Meadow
- Panels
- Panorama Cloud
- Paper and Cloth Design Studio
- Paper Cuts
- Paper Doll by J. Wecker Frisch
- Parisville (Deja Vu)
- Passion Flower
- Patriotic
- Patterns
- Pen and Paper Patterns
- Pepper Cory
- Peppermint Bark
- Petit Henna Garden
- Petite Beehive
- Pick Your Poison
- Pie in the Sky
- Pine Valley
- Pinkerville OOP
- Pixel
- Play All Day
- Poolside
- Pop Up Canisters Patterns and Refills
- Poppie Cotton Miscellaneous
- Postmark
- Pre-Cut Fabrics
- Primitive Gatherings
- Prince Charming OOP
- Printed Flannels
- Purebred, Lush Uptown, Alpine
- Quaint Cottage
- Quantum
- Quilt Backing Fabric 108"
- Quilt Patterns
- Quiltachusetts Heather Black
- Quiltd Studios by Jessica Rose
- Quilter's Select
- Quilting Books
- Quilty Love by Emily Dennis
- Quotation
- Raised by Sara Curtis
- Rashida Coleman-Hale
- Red Barn Christmas
- Refractions
- Regions Beyond
- Rendezvous
- Rifle Paper Co.
- Riley Blake Designs
- Riley Blake Miscellaneous
- RJR Cotton Supreme Solids
- RJR Fabrics
- Roar!
- Robert Kaufman Misc
- Robin Pickens
- Rosalie Dekker
- Roselyn
- Rosemary Cottage
- Rotary Cutters & Accessories
- Rotary Cutting Mats and Accessories
- Rough Hewn
- Ruby Star Society
- Rulers
- Rulers, Measuring Aids & Tools
- Rustic Gatherings
- Sable and Swan
- Sale Fabrics
- Sandalwood
- Sarah Jane
- Sarah Watts
- Savannah
- Scandi
- Scissors
- Scrawl
- Seeds
- Sequoia
- Serene Spring
- Seventy Six
- Sew Kind of Wonderful
- Sew Kind of Wonderful
- Sewing Technique Books
- Shades of Autumn
- Shadow and Elegance Digiprint Fabric
- Shadow Play
- Shadow Play Flannel
- Shimmer
- Shine On
- Shiny Objects
- Simply Color
- Simply Colorful II
- Simply Style
- Slow & Steady OOP
- Slow Stroll
- Smitten
- Snow Much Fun!
- Snowkissed
- Soliloquy
- Something Wicked
- Sophie
- Spellbound
- Spirit Animal OOP
- Spooky Darlings
- Spotted
- Stacy Iset Hsu Miscellaneous
- Stash Quilts
- Stateside
- Steno Pool
- Stiletto
- Still More Paper
- Stof Fabircs
- Stof Star Sprinkles
- Sugar Berry
- Sun Prints
- Sunday Stroll
- Sweet Christmas
- Sweet Pea Lily
- Sweet Somethings
- Sweet Tea
- Sweet Tweets
- Sweetwater
- Sweetwater Miscellaneous
- Swoon Patterns
- Tabby Road Deja Vu
- Tabby Road OOP
- Tea Dye by Laundry Basket Quilts
- Teddy and the Bears
- Texture Graphix by Jason Yenter
- Thangles Patterns
- The Christmas Card
- Then Came June
- Thicket
- Thimble Blossoms
- Threads, Floss & Miscellaneous Accessories
- Tilda Fabrics by Tone Finnanger
- Tim Holtz
- Tim Holtz Eclectic Element Orange
- Tim Holtz Eclectic Elements Palette Pink
- Tim Holtz Eclectic Elements Palette Red
- Timber
- Timeless Treasures
- Tiny Beasts
- Tone-on-Tone Basics
- Toweling
- Transylvanian Studies
- Trees
- Trim, Elastics by the yard
- Trixie
- True Colors Tiny Dots and Stripes
- Tula Kits, Books, Patterns and Hardware
- Tula Pink
- Tula Pink "Original" True Colors Basics OOP
- Tula Pink 108" Widebacks/ 58" Minky
- Tula Pink Free Spirit Designer Solids
- Tula Pink Pattern Company
- Tula Pink Rulers
- Tula's True Colors 2020
- Tulip Tango
- Twinkle
- Twinkle
- Unruly Nature
- Untamed
- Urban Chiks
- V & Co.
- V and Co
- Valentine's Fabric
- Various Andover Makower UK Fabric
- Vessel
- Vineyard Collection by Dauphne Brissonnet
- Vintage Garden
- Violet Craft
- Violet Craft
- Voile Fabric
- Welcome Home
- Wild and Free
- Wild Blossoms
- Windham Fabrics
- Windy Days
- Winter Berries by Kathy Hall
- Winter Days by Lisa Glanz
- Winter Playground
- Woodland Park by Rashida Coleman Hale
- Woven Shot Cottons
- Yuletide
- Zen Chic
- Zen Chic
- Zuma OOP